
Jandy Nature2 Cell and Vessel Kit

Weight: 19 lbs
Units in Stock: 4
#FSOFT1400 Nature2 by Jandy, Cell and Vessel Kit*
Not available on line. Available In Store only. Please call for price and availability.
Jandy Nature2 Cell and Vessel Kit
Jandy Nature2 Cell and Vessel Kit
Product Details

#FSOFT1400 Nature2 by Jandy, Cell and Vessel Kit*
For pools up to 40,000 Gallons

(1) Start up Mineral Cartridge
(1) PLC1400 Cell
(1) 16' DC Cable
(1) Slotted Flow Sensor

The Fusion Soft Cell Kit is a salt water sanitizer and mineral system for Nature2, AquaPure and PureLink Systems. The Fusion soft system brings you the benefits of Nature2 minerals with the convenience built into the Cell Vessel body. With Fusion Soft you are just a few simple steps away from perfect pool water naturally.  Minerals such as silver and copper have long been known for their sanitizing antimicrobial properties. Nature2 brings the benefits of these safe elemental ingredients to create pool water that is noticeably cleaner clearer and softer.
Easy to use - Quick installation with low maintenance and the convenience of automatic sanitizer generation.
Compatible - Works with virtually all swimming pool filtration systems.
Bacteria + Algae control - Nature2 minerals and proven AquaPure electronics
Automatic reversing polarity
Rated to 50 PSI and 100 GPM

*Requires Nature2 Power Pack, AquaPure Power Pack or Jandy PureLink Power Center, Sold Separately

For Complete Fusion Soft Salt Systems, please visit category "Salt Systems"
