
Zodiac Caretaker 5-Port In-Floor Cleaning System, 1.5" | 5-9-2000

SKU: 5-9-2000
Weight: 15 lbs
Units in Stock: 2
#5-9-2000 Zodiac Caretaker 5-Port Valve Complete with 1.5" Outlet Ports
not available on line. For sale in store only.
Zodiac Caretaker 5-Port In-Floor Cleaning System, 1.5" | 5-9-2000
Zodiac Caretaker 5-Port In-Floor Cleaning System, 1.5" | 5-9-2000
Product Details
#5-9-2000 Zodiac Caretaker 5-Port Valve Complete with 1.5" Outlet Ports
Includes 4-9-2007 and 5-9-2006
The Caretaker is the original in-floor pool and spa cleaning system that uses the pressure of clean water to provide circulation benefits and maintenance cost savings.When the system is on water is directed by the Jandy Caretaker automatic valve to the cleaning heads. In approximately one hour all cleaning heads in all banks are activated with each head cleaning a full 360-degree radius. In one hour a Caretaker System circulates clean water throughout the entire pool. Every section of your pool receives an even distribution of chemicals and heat that prevents algae growth and eliminates cold spots.5-9-2000
Caretaker® 5 Port Valve, 1.5 Inch Outlet Ports Complete
Available On-Line Only
